Senior Minister and President of Board of Trustees
Rev. Sue MillerBorn, RScM (she/her/hers)
Reverend Sue MillerBorn, RScP has been a licensed practitioner since 2001 under the training of Reverend Dr. James Golden and Reverend. Dr. Andrea Asebedo. She completed her Ministerial training in 2004 and was ordained in 2010. Sue is the Senior Minister overseeing SEVA Congregational Support, Sacred Sisters Women's Group, Men's Group, Young Adult's Group, and the Practitioner Unit, as well as speaking and teaching. One of the things she loves best about being a practitioner and a minister is her connection to people, one-on-one. It is an opportunity to witness love and the creative process manifest healing. She thrives in teaching and facilitating the Sacred Sister's Women's Group, meditation practices, Yoga and spending time in service to the Center. The greatest joy of being a Practitioner/Minister is knowing that a greater Good is always unfolding and witnessing the power of God always manifesting this Good through all experiences. It is a journey in Love.
Staff Minister
Rev. Dr. Mary Mitchell, RScM (she/her/hers)
Reverend Doctor Mary Mitchell, RScP, began her spiritual studies at the Center for Spiritual Living in 1989. She received her Practitioner License in 1994, her ministerial license in 2002, and was ordained in 2008, at which time she began serving as an Assistant Minister in Redding. Mary was named Practitioner of the Year in 2007 by the Centers for Spiritual Living, served on the organization's Board of Trustees for three years, and continues to serve as Co-Chair of the Ethics Committee. Reverend Mitchell earned a BS in Forest Industries Management from The Ohio State University, and retired from the Western Shasta Resource Conservation District in Anderson, CA where she was District Manager for 13 years. Rev. Mary received an honorary doctorate from Centers for Spiritual Living in 2020. Mary's passion lies in metaphysical studies and teaching Science of Mind classes. Her hobbies include writing, and she has six published books. Mary lives with her husband, Paul, and their two wonderful cats.
Staff Minister
Rev. Pam Sanchez, RScM (she/her/hers)
An ordained minister of Religious Science, Reverend Pam Sanchez, RScP has a long history of serving the local community. After joining the Spiritual Enrichment Center in 1983, Pam become a licensed practitioner in 1992. In 1997, she received her ministerial license, and served as the primary minister at Center for Positive Living in Mount Shasta from 1998 – 2000. In 2003, Pam retired from the State Department of Rehabilitation, where she served as a supervisor for 30 years. A former Chaplain with the Shasta Regional Medical Center and Redding Police Department, Pam currently oversees Center for Spiritual Living, Redding’s Seva support team, providing meals and other essentials to community members struggling with life's challenges, from birth to death. Pam additionally oversees the Hope Van Meals Seva Team, which provides meals for Redding's homeless population, meeting at 8:30AM on the fourth Friday of every month in the Social Services Center parking lot: 2650 Breslauer Way, Redding, CA.
Prayer Practitioner
Robin Backstrom, RScP (she/her/hers)
Robin Backstrom’s first encounter with the Center for Spiritual Living Redding (CSLR) was in the late l970s. Inspired by both the philosophy and spiritual practices, Robin felt supported in exploring her true potential. She realized an expanding awareness of her deep and divine connection within and the joy it brings, and became increasingly comfortable in taking risks to reveal more of what life had to offer. The result was a rich and fulfilling career as a high school counselor, working with students, parents, teachers, and staff for over thirty years. Now retired, Robin is able to devote more time to her spiritual family here at CSLR, and has fulfilled a dream of becoming a licensed Religious Science Practitioner to best serve and support others in awakening to their divine potential. Robin enjoys a loving and spiritual relationship with her husband, Dan, and their two children, while also raising a large vegetable garden, and freezing and canning nature’s bounty from their forty-two fruit and nut trees on their small farm in Los Molinos. Robin has a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from Chico State and a Master’s Degree in Counseling from LaVerne University.
Prayer Practitioner
Charlie Born, RScP (he/him/his)
Charlie Born, RScP has been with the Center for Spiritual Living, Redding (CSLR) since 1992. The Manager of Government and External Affairs for Frontier Communications, Charlie has served in just about every area of the Center, including children's church, board member, usher/greeter, community outreach, pledge drive, fundraising, and for several years now, he has co-chaired the Landscape Seva Team. Most recently, Charlie served as co-chair of the Minister Search Team. His background includes a strong interest in Yoga and meditation. He received training in the transcendental meditation (TM) technique in the 1970s, and was involved with the Creative Initiative Foundation in the 1980s. Charlie received his Professional Prayer Practitioner license in 2013.
Prayer Practitioner
Shirley Wade, RScP (she/her/hers)
Shirley Wade is deeply committed to the principles of Religious Science, which she began studying 62 years. That was the beginning, and she has had a long and fulfilling experience since then at the Religious Science church in San Mateo, CA and also at the Center for Spiritual Living, Redding. In addition to her church family, Shirley has been blessed with her own family. Married for 64 years, she now has three children, four grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. Shirley retired from the public school system, where she worked as a reading specialist for 30 years, and ran her own tutoring business for fourteen years thereafter. Her experience as a student of Religious Science led to a life of loving service, and to this end Shirley earned a Master’s in Education, and a second Master’s in Counseling/Psychology from Santa Clara University. A licensed Marriage and Family therapist (retired), she is deeply grateful to be a licensed practitioner, supporting others in their own growth and development.
Board Treasurer and Trustee
Jill-Armanda Ward (she/her/hers)
In 1988, Jill started attending the Center when it was being held at Shasta College, hotels and was in attendance on the first day that the first service was held at the current Center. She has been on many Seva teams, including children’s church for 10 years, youth group for 7 years, Sunday Social (before second wing was built) for 3 years, on and off the bookstore team (started when the bookstore was in the back of the Sanctuary), Special Events team (now Bliss team), etc. She served on the Board of Trustees for two full terms, and one partial term (left the board to go to college). She worked at the Center for 1.5 years as the Bookkeeper and Special Events Coordinator. She took SOM® I, II and III and took the practicum class and decided to go to college vs. continuing as a practitioner. She has a desire to again be more involved in order to give back, to give more. She has an AA, BA, and Master’s degree in psychology.
Board Secretary and Trustee
Christy Carr (she/her/hers)
I am a mother of three who put myself through college as a single parent. I enjoy helping people and that is why I became a Respiratory Therapist. I was introduced to Centers for Spiritual Living about ten years ago in Palm Desert and knew then that I had found my place in the world. I continue to learn all I can through this Center while volunteering in the office. I am now in practitioner training and want to know all I can about the Center’s operations. Three priorities for CSLR this year I feel are future classes offered to the community, reopening the Center safely, and bringing in new members. I hope to do what I can to be an asset to the team.
Board Trustee
Rich Cary (he/him/his)
I am a long-time member of the Center and have gained much from the teaching. I have been so blessed and enjoy an amazing life, and I feel compelled to give back. The future of our church, and the legacy we leave, is very important to me. Now that I’m retired, I feel my work career, education, and life experiences have given me some skills that would help to assure these goals.
Board Trustee
Marti Butow (she/her/hers)
Marti Butow has been a member of the Center for Spiritual Living, Redding (CSLR) since 1995, during which time she has been active in many events and programs. Mari brings many sklls to the CSLR Board, including, organizational development, group facilitation, and project management, and her priorities are increasing membership, augmenting participation, and paying off CSLR's mortgage.
Board Trustee
Linda Mitchell (she/her/hers)
I served on the board from 2004-07 focusing on community outreach, such as overseeing the blood bank, HIV food bank, Empty Bowls and many other areas. I am retiring from my full-time job this summer as a Speech-Language Pathologist, which I have done for twenty-six years and have a MS in Communication Disorders. I’m ready and excited about being more involved. Three priorities for CSLR this year are the new minister search team, new paradigm possibilities, and community focus. As a member of the board, I hope to contribute to bringing the community together and strengthening bonds.
Board Trustee
Carol Moreland (she/her/hers)
Carol Moreland was introduced to Religious Science at 16 when her Aunt gave her the Science of Mind textbook. In her early twenties, she opened and operated her own travel agency, and when her goals changed at age 38, she pursued higher education at Chico State earning her Master's degree with distinction in Psychology. Credentialed in School Psychology, School Counseling, and School Administration, Carol was privileged to be hired as a School Psychologist upon graduating from CSU, Chico, and rose to become the Director of Special Education before moving into school administration. Her unique strengths lie in counseling, behavioral intervention, disabilities diagnostics, conflict resolution, and systems development. Carol has been married to her husband, Jerry, for twenty years, and has three children, two stepchildren, and six grandchildren. Her personal interests are kayaking, hiking, gardening, and walking her labyrinth. It is her desire to listen and create a center that serves everyone.
Board Trustee
Jane Parsons (she/her/hers)
I was born at Patuxent Naval Air Station, Maryland. My father was a Marine pilot. We moved between Patuxent and Southern California many times. When I was 12, we moved to Munich, Germany. We traveled widely in Europe, returning to the "States" when I was 18. I Settled in Napa, California, with my family and graduated nursing school in 1975. I worked as a registered nurse for 34 years, 25 of those in the emergency room. I also have a degree in drama. I have been retired for many years now. I enjoy living in the mountains, reading, cooking, and my art. I've been a hotel maid, a short order cook, a science laboratory assistant, a nurses’ aide, and a working mother. I am infinity qualified for my place in life.
Board Vice President and Trustee
Stephen Smith (he/him/his)
Stephen is a lifelong spiritual seeker and lover of Truth. He has enjoyed careers in the arts and education, living in all the West Coast states and New Mexico before settling in Redding, with his wife, Judi. They were attracted by the opportunities for country living and exploring the natural world. He enjoys writing, painting, making music, gardening and beekeeping. He is grateful to be part of the CSLR community. Stephen has a deep respect and appreciation for the community of mutual support here and wants to help maintain its Universalist, open focus and deepen its focus in a way that draws more like-minded souls into the Center. He has been a student of New Thought for fifty years and was happy to discover The Science of Mind twenty years ago, attending Agape, Ventura and Santa Rosa occasionally. CSLR is the first time Stephen and Judi have joined and taken classes. He has attended six colleges, has an AA focused on Art and Early Childhood development. He’s certificated in Computer Technology/3D Animation and has a Certificate in Noetic Field Therapy.
Administrative Assistant and Bookstore Manager
Lorie Barnes (she/her/hers)
Lorie Barnes has been the Administrative Assistant at Center for Spiritual Living, Redding, since November 1, 2005. She has been in the Administrative/Clerical field for over 34 years and loves working at the Center. Lorie has two AA Degrees from Shasta College. Her favorite color is purple, and her hobbies include spending time with friends, reading books, listening to music, and watching movies and television. Lorie's favorite saying is, "May all beings know peace, joy, and love."
April Johnson
April started working at the Center on September 6, 2022.
Children’s Church Director
Bonnie Lantiegne (she/her/hers)
Music Director
Gwen Rooker (she/her/hers)
Choir Accompanist
Judy Preble (she/her/hers)
Kitchen Kookies (Sunday Social Hall Hosts)
Bill and Shirley McQuiston (he/him/his - she/her/hers)
Sunday Services Audio/Video Technician
Melinda Miller-Castro (she/her/hers)
Lindy is the waving hand behind your livestream camera and soundboard, trying always to make the panning right to left smoother than it was the week before. When she isn’t editing your weekly podcasts, she is at home teaching voice lessons through another camera or chasing her family around the yard.